Scenario when a back-bencher and a topper are good friends

Pratibha Verma
3 min readOct 30, 2023


A backbencher and topper enjoying together

Although my previous article was about defending backbenchers, with motivations. Haha

But later, a scenario came to my mind: what if backbenchers and toppers were good friends?

It will be like having ice cream with hot tea. It's mismatched, but who knows? Try!….long pause….

Do you just think of trying?

Oh, please, don’t try this one, or your teeth will dance and come out of their place.

Maybe it's not working in this situation, but many mismatches work better than matches. Lots of sweet and spicy snacks make your eyes pop out, and you slowly yell in your mind—umm, heaven?

I mean, in some cases! As an Indian, some mixed flavours are roaming in my head right now. Sweet..sour…spicy…Out of this world!

So, it’s quite improper for a topper to let go of the marks and be ignorant of the teacher’s questions. Oh, it rhymed!

For a day, his backbencher friend decides to sit with him. He needs to cool down his friend’s excessive eagerness in class and give pause to his well- behaved attitude. I mean according to some toppers opinion.

The attentive friend is muttering about the previous lesson. So, the backbencher quickly sips a pocket drink and says, Breathe, my friend, and have this sandwich' First of all, he refuses, but his backbencher friend insists on trying this way. He eats, and guess what? The topper says excitedly, “I feel so light, and nothing is bothering me”. You backbenchers rock!

Then a voice follows with a known perfume smell, and all the other noise stops. It’s the physics teacher. Thrill in class. The lesson gets started, and the backbencher is trying hard to pretend.

There is no way left. In the middle, the teacher questions. The topper’s hands are about to rise. Sometimes, habits die hard. The backbencher shows his quick flexes by stopping his hands and gives a sign to relax.

The teacher gives a sharp look to backbencher. She quickly fires a question at him out of the physics gun. It’s the first time, the backbencher feels like a cooker about a whistle, but Topper comes to save him from explode. He safely writes on his palm while fooling the teacher.

Backbencher rolls his eyes all directions and gives a look at his palm. Hurray! He gotcha! gives the answer in full detail, and boom!

Teacher impressed.

First time he is proud of himself for giving the right one and winks at Topper by saying,Acting was on point. ”

Backbencher thanks the topper for making him feel, what is to be like a Topper sometimes!

Both laugh hard together.

I think they make a better friendship than just being with their matches. The topper enjoys the light side of relaxing and not bothering. Well, the backbencher likes getting applauded by the teacher.

Don’t you think that they both balanced each other like partners during ice skating?

