How to develop novel characters?
Your novel advances by writing down brimming ideas (maybe scattered), assigning roles to your characters, and placing twists.
It seems like surface-level advice! Yes, it is,
But what’s not usual is how to do it, right?
So let’s start with the characters' persona: They need to be real, don’t make them flawless. It will decrease the friction and tension that helps your story to grow. Pick them from your experiences.
They can be a drug addict, a psycho, or with anger issues. It depends on what type of story yours is!
I am also writing my first novel and was mindlessly googling. After doing it for a month, I got even more confused. This is what happens when you roam on the internet which is already filled with tons of writing tips and ideas! I am clear in my mind today, and you should too!
However, I didn’t fall for every idea sold on the internet, but I still watched dozens of videos related to characters and plots.
Second is what’s your character: Some stories define the job of characters, any sort of disability they have, or the location they live.
But they don’t research well!
So whatever the case, directly search on Google for the type of job like a cafe worker, a delivery boy, a…